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Developing Penile Hardness and Ejaculatory Mastery

The following article is Part 1 of the Training for Extreme Stamina series.

Training for Extreme Stamina

This three-part series of articles will review all levels of sexual stamina- from the remedial where issues like ED (Erectile Dysfunction), performance anxiety and premature ejaculation are experience, to the extraordinary- where one has a very high level of EQ (Erection Quality- a combined measure of stamina and hardness), ejaculatory control, and even MMO (Male Multiple Orgasm). The latter also ties into the domain of penis enlargement.

Basic Stamina Training

It is important to recognize that a significant number of men with sexual performance issues are affected, either partially or entirely, by psychogenic factors. Emotional and Mental Conditioning will be discussed in greater detail in the third and last part of this series.

Stamina is defined as the ability to continue with a specific activity. As regards EQ, it's how long one can hold a degree of erection. The other part of the EQ equation refers to hardness- which is the degree of erection itself.

While the regimen below can help to address deficiencies in stamina, other lifestyle factors will need to be assessed- like diet, cardiovascular conditioning and health, and emotional stress management. Hormonal imbalances and chronic health problems can also wreak havoc on EQ.

A standard stamina routine like the one shown here should be sufficient to get started with standard stamina training.

Warm up > Erect Kegels > Edging > Warm down

The above should be performed 4 times a week.

Attempt 5 repetitions of the Erect Kegel and at least 5-10 minutes of edging for a baseline.

Note- You CAN stimulate yourself DURING the Kegels in order to maintain an erection- provided it doesn't disrupt the flow of the exercise.

When performing your exercises, be sure that you're in an emotional state of neutrality or better. If you're experiencing lower emotions like apprehension or distaste, clear your mind to allow an emotional reset. Picturing a neutral image or a field of white light can help.  

Focus on the sensations you're inducing with your exercises. At the same time, emote a feeling of confidence and being unencumbered and relaxed. If your mind starts to drift, take a deep breath and re-center yourself.

Remedial Stamina Training

If you're unable to perform the Erect Kegel as described above, you can start with the below.

Remedial Kegels:

The way to do this is to perform your first session and take detailed notes as to how long you can hold each rep. Since we're using 5 reps of 5 seconds as an initial goal, we can pool your Kegel requirement into 25 seconds total of work. For example, if you're only able to hold a rep for 3 seconds, perform as many of these as you can until you hit 25 seconds total (8 reps of 3 seconds each plus 1 extra partial rep of 1 second). If your ability to hold breaks down, crack out 1 second rep holds until you get to 25 reps total.

As you develop in conditioning, you'll be able to get to a point where you can hold at least one rep at 5 seconds, then in time, 5 reps of 5 seconds. The key is in training regularly and progressively each session.

We recommend putting off any direct enlargement training until your EQ is at acceptable levels. This will ensure you can put all of your energies into stamina work. Also, performing enlargement exercises with low EQ is difficult and often unproductive. You'll get MUCH more out of your enlargement training with at least a satisfactory level of EQ.

Even if your EQ is good, sexual stamina can be hampered by premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation can be caused by negative conditioning (usually via poor masturbatory or sexual habits) and/or can be induced by anxiety.

Premature Ejaculation:

When premature ejaculation is caused by negative conditioning, the “Extreme Stop and Starts” exercise can be used to counter the effects:

In a typical edging/Stop and Starts movement, you stimulate yourself from anywhere between 5 to 25 minutes pausing up to three times when you come close to the "point of no return" (PONR)- ejaculating on the fourth approach.

For the Extreme Stop and Starts, you’ll work with UP TO 10 “stops” during a session. Do your best to get to 10 minutes total with this exercise- even if you have to take long pauses during the exercise to do so. Once you can get to 10 minutes with 10 stops, you'll maintain the time and reduce the number of stops each session.

Part 2 of the Training for Extreme Stamina series will cover "short cuts" and high-end stamina training.

If you require dedicated guidance for your training, coaching is available with the meCOACH Male Enhancement Service. Total Man newsletter subscribers are eligible for one free extra month with any 3-month subscription. Just let us know "Mike" referred you after joining!



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