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Male Enhancement Q&As Vol. 19

Al Alfaro |

Male Enhancement Q&As
Here are some commonly asked male enhancement questions- and answers
DISCLAIMER: Please make sure you review all product/training instructions before getting started.

Q. I will be undergoing a Bihari lengthening procedure soon [editor's note: this is where the suspensory ligament of the penis is severed]. Can I still make length gains with training after this procedure?
A: Surgery should be considered a last resort for most men. Please be sure you've studied what's involved and the the potential side effects of the procedure before going through with it. If all goes well, you may actually be able to gain even more length with training after the surgery than if you never did the procedure.  
What's important is that you make sure the ligament doesn't reattach itself to the publc bone. Your doctor should advise you on hanging or extending for six weeks after the procedure to prevent this and to initiate elongation.
Q. I’ve been doing light jelqing training for several weeks now. I do feel the need for more of a challenge. What are the next steps I should take?
A: The next logical progression would be for you to carefully and slowly add more force (and repetitions) to your jelqing training. You can also increase the level of erection to better target girth, though this too should be performed slowly, over time  
If you feel you need more of a challenge with a more difficult exercise/movement, there are other exercises and even device-based methods (like hanging) you can consider which have proven to be effective at inducing enlargement.
Q. What do you think of using ADS or extenders versus hanging?
A: In my opinion, if you're only going to perform one form of device-based training from the selection you provided, it would be hanging. You can do so much with it- from hanging very light for long periods to brief, intense sessions.  
Still, if you tend towards making better gains with lower intensity/higher volume work, then the ADS or [light] extender work will be sufficient.  
It should be noted that there are some extenders like the Total Man Rod Extender 4.0 which are capable of very high tension levels, so heaver training CAN be conducted with certain extender-type devices.
You might also benefit from light extending or ADS work AFTER heavier hanging to allow your penis to heal in the extended state.