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Developing a complete and balanced routine
This article hopes to encourage an understanding of the importance of stamina exercises as part of a “complete and balanced” Male Enhancement exercise routine.
What is Stamina Training?
Stamina training consists of exercises performed for the primary purpose of developing EQ (Erection Quality- a combined measure of stamina and hardness). Kegels, Edging, hip thrusts, and even activities outside of standard male enhancement training- such as cardiovascular activities- go a long way towards improving EQ.
All too often, stamina exercises are performed almost as an afterthought in a male enhancement regimen. What needs to be understood that if one wishes to make maximum size gains, then getting your EQ to as high a level as can be managed will optimize tissue expansion and recovery.
What Can Stamina Training Add to Your Gains?
Stamina exercises target the pelvic floor muscles- the PC (Pubococcygeus), BC (Bulbocavernosus), and IC (Ischiocavernosus) muscles in particular. They also help to develop a stronger penile circulatory system and can assist in the development of ejaculatory control.
In cases of mild venous leak, Kegels in particular have been noted to help plug up these leaks in a manner superior to surgeries.
Getting Started
Stamina exercises are often performed at the conclusion of a full enlargement routine. It's great way to finish a session and to ensure lasting tissue expansion- as well as to initiate recovery.
They can also be performed strategically: for example, Kegels during extender training breaks to maximize time efficiency, increase circulation, and to get a "push/pull" effect for a more impacting workout.
Added Benefits of Incorporating Stamina Exercises
Some men who focus solely on stamina exercises may notice a rapid increase in size. This is likely due to the reversal of disuse. This effect can be particularly significant for men experiencing erectile dysfunction or those in poor health.
Stamina exercises can help all men to develop greater penile fitness, harder and longer lasting erections, and better ejaculatory control.
If you had time for only one form of male enhancement training, it should be stamina work.
A Word of Caution
Like with any form of training, it's important to get a thorough medical checkup before starting. In some cases, men with ED may have underlying medical issues, and addressing these medically can save a lot of time and effort.
Always err on the side of caution with volume (repetitions) and the level of force used when testing any new movements! This applies regardless of your level of training. Start off light and well within your capabilities, then adjust upwards as you see fit to.
Pelvic floor exercise versus surgery in the treatment of impotence
Randomised controlled trial of pelvic floor muscle exercises and manometric biofeedback for erectile dysfunction
Physical therapy for premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and chronic pelvic pain syndrome


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