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At which stage are you?
DISCLAIMER: Please make sure you review all product/training instructions before getting started! If you find yourself at stage 1, you may need to seek out the services of a qualified medical professional first.
Below, you'll find a description of 5 stages of male enhancement. Unlike the 5 stages of loss, you don't have to start from stage 1 with your training (most men start at stage 2 or 3). That being said, it's important to know at what stage you are before you get started for optimal results.
This phase is necessary for men who are in a psychological position where male enhancement training may do more harm than good. This is the realm of severe depression or even suicidal thoughts. If you find yourself at this stage, it's highly recommended that you seek out qualified professional assistance at this stage. Once you get to where your emotions are manageable, you may proceed to the next stage of training.
Stamina focus
This phase is for men who suffer from less than satisfactory Erection Quality (EQ- a combined measure of stamina and hardness). Training during this phase should consist of stamina-based exercises only in order to develop enough conditioning for any future enlargement-based training. If you're at this stage, once EQ is at a satisfactory (though not necessarily optimal) level, you can proceed to phase 3.
This phase is the most common phase to start from. At this level, EQ is satisfactory, though usually not optimal, and the work undertaken should target gentle methods of enlargement while focusing on maximizing EQ.
Devices like the COMPRESSION PLATE, COMPRESSION HANGER, and EXTENDER KIT are all suitable to start with. For manual training, you'll want to start with the Penis Enlargement Video Course Introduction.
This phase is usually achieved after 4 or more weeks of solid, productive training. You should have noted some increases in EQ, length, girth, and a better kinesthetic sense.  
If you need to use more tension for your training, the VACUUM HANGER will allow you to hang heavier weight in comfort and safely. If you're using an extender, you may need to begin or look into using more RUBBER BANDS. You may also benefit from post-training elongation- which can be achieved with the PASSIVE HEALING SLEEVE KIT.
For advanced manual training, the following would be recommended: Week 4 - Video 1 - Introduction to fatigue. Even if you're advanced, you should still review the course from the beginning for perspective.  
At this stage, you've already achieved your size and EQ goals. You may either maintain your gains through productive stamina exercises and with the occasional round of ADS (All Day Stretching) work, or you can look into developing multiorgasmic abilities and refining other aspects of development.
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