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Hey fellow visitor,
Welcome to the Results and Testimonials page.

Mike here.
Owner of Total Man.

I wanted to take a minute to welcome you and even more importantly acknowledge the guys that have participated in our video testimonials to share a message with you from their experience with our brand in hopes you begin your journey for the best outcome.

Nothing makes me happier than to recieve an email from a customer or client saying we have changed their life in one way or another from our content to our products and from performance improvements in the bedroom all the way to changing their mindset because of their endevour + results and it effecting more than just the bedroom.

As you could imagine, it's one thing to get involved with this type of thing on your own, something so taboo and controversial (many want to keep it a secret) but, to accept our offer to take your results from a simple thank you via email to share it with the world on our site and on some on video, is HUGE. Just like the progress so many of our customers have made... HUGE.


Many wish to stay discreet and never reveal their results or identity so enjoy the following men and what they have had to say about their journey.


Ricardo - USA

Size STATS - 8 Months Before After

Resting flaccid length

3.5 inches

5⅔ inches

Resting flaccid girth (circumference)

3 inches

3⅚ inches

Bone pressed erect length

6⅓ inches

7¼ inches

Erect base girth (circumference)

4¾ inches

5⅔ inches

Other improvements

Erection Quality BEFORE: I don't even remember morning wood.

Erection Quality AFTER:Constant wood in the morning, easily aroused just sitting around.

1. What goal did you have prior to Total Man and how did not having your desired results affect you?
My previous goal was simply to get to 7 in. I wasn't thinking about girth. I was only thinking about length. And now that I am over 7 in by a hair, I'm not satisfied and I want to keep going! But in reality if this is all I can get then this is all that I can get and I will not be upset.

2. How long has it taken you to achieve the above results?
I would have been doing this for 2 years in November of 2023. It's been a long process because in the beginning I would get frustrated when things didn't work, but I've kept at it. And I've been in talks with Mike one-on-one and he has helped me out tremendously. And so I think the gains have only come within the past 7 to 8 months.

3. How did Total Man as a brand including any products used help you to achieve or get closer to that goal?
Mike has updated his products constantly and has taken our feedback in and made some changes. Radically quick. His. Extender 4.0, and the 2.0 compression hanger or my go-to's. Right now. I use the 2.0 compression hanger almost every day and when I'm lazy I'll just extend with the 4.0 version.

4. What products did you purchase and what were your favorites if any?
I purchase the original compression hanger, version 2.0 of the extender, and I have four vacuum chambers. I also own the infrared heating pad, and the all-day stretchers - Both of them

5. What was your experience like with Total Man from finding us to consuming our content and using our products?
I'm not exactly sure how I found total man. I wasn't on any of the forums, neither thunders place or any discord servers. In fact, I found thunders place and the discord servers because of total man. I've enjoyed using this products. I have expressed to him the frustration when things didn't go right, and he was quick to respond and even show me videos of him using it and me being able to send him videos of me using it for troubleshooting. After some trial and error, it finally clicked and it finally started to work. Of course it was always user error!

6. What could you recommend to others in a similar situation to you with similar goals?
I would recommend that you try them out. Watch the videos that he's provided first and ensure that you measure correctly for yourself. Because if you measure incorrectly, you cannot blame anything more than yourself. But once you have the correct sizes, be patient with yourself because this is something new and you can't expect to see results within a couple of days and you can't expect to learn how to use everything within the first try.

Dusty - USA

Size STATS - 8 Months Before After

Resting flaccid length



Resting flaccid girth (circumference)



Bone pressed erect length



Erect base girth (circumference)



Hardness & Stamina

Erection Quality BEFORE:My erection quality is what I would consider "Not fully there". I would of course get hard, but the hardness wasnt what I wanted it to be. It was a little "soft and squishy" and not "rock hard" as us men always want from our erections.

Erection Quality AFTER:My erection quality has definitely improved. I can start to see the veins bulge now when i get fully erect and it has boosted my confidence so much.


Stamina BEFORE: Stamina was never an issue for me. I could go as long or as short as my partner desired.

Stamina AFTER:With the increase of blood flow my stamina is a little harder to control. THIS IS A GOOD THING! I feel more pleasure now and I have never been happier.

1. What goal did you have prior to Total Man and how did not having your desired results affect you?
My overall goal is reaching 8 inches in length and 6 inches in girth. I honestly felt like what I had to begin with wasn't truly enough and i could do so much better with more. I would look better, feel better and be more proud of myself in the long run.

2. How long has it taken you to achieve the above results?
8 months.

3. How did Total Man as a brand including any products used help you to achieve or get closer to that goal?
These products are not cookie cutter products. They are built with a true purpose and designed from the ground up. They truly do their jobs well and dont try and pass as a "one tool for every job" type of device.

4. What products did you purchase and what were your favorites if any?
I purchased the Ultimate Package. I wanted every tool available to me at any given time for my needs at the time. My favorite by FAR was the hanger. It is SO EASY to get on and take off. Its built like a tank, its lighter than a feather and I will be using this for years and years to come.

5. How was Total Man as a brand and our products different from any others in the industry?
I have used many other products from many other companies. The biggest, and best difference, is the fact that your prices are half but your quality is double. These products are seriously a game changer. To be able to have access to this amount of product for pennies on the dollar compared to the others, is mind blowing. Thank you so much!

6. What could you recommend to others in a similar situation to you with similar goals?
Time is not your enemy. Every little bit of growth counts. Keep on it, keep at your goal, be consistent. I know the road looks bleak but if you put in the time, you put in the effort, you WILL reach your goals and have a smile just like mine. So the next time you feel frustrated, remember this quote ; "The walk through hell are the first steps on the path to paradise".

Victor - ITALY

Size STATS - 2 Years 4 Months Before After

Resting flaccid length

10 cm


Resting flaccid girth (diameter)

3.4 cm

3.85 cm

Bone pressed erect length

14.5 cm

17 cm

Erect base girth (diameter)

3.55 cm

4 cm

Before & After Erect

Hardness & Stamina

Erection Quality BEFORE:Average normal, but alot of times i found my self with bad quality bcs of insecurity. It fucks you man.

Erection Quality AFTER:Through all the process i have become aware of how to have 100% rock hard erections. Cardio, excersice, clamping, the times to train PE, supplementing, diet.


Stamina BEFORE: Normal I has always been athletic, but i was not aware of all the possibilities there are to enhance it. Ignorant i was.

Stamina AFTER:Now I am a beast: More knowledge, more confidence, more size, better habits... I know how to control my cum, how to last, how to perform more dynamically. I can do it hard and last without comming, as well as understand the women experience to provide max pleasure.

1. What goal did you have prior to Total Man and how did not having your desired results affect you?
My goal is still to grow my penis, to be able to feel on my skin the sexual being i feel, with the strenght, dominance and performance. My size goal is 20cm x14cm. I was extremely insecure about my size, when i was with a girl i would be so ashame of even showing my dick. I was so insecure about my size that it would hunt in my mind through the day.

2. How long has it taken you to achieve the above results?
I have been doing PE for 2 years and 4 months. I saw results in the first months very clearly from there I understood this was going to work, I started investigating more and more, and also having better and better habits. Prior to PE I did one year of gym, and started taking vitamins, my dick grew during that year but didnt measured. I went from being super skinny to slim with muscle. But the real growth came when i started taking PE seriously.

3. How did Total Man as a brand including any products used help you to achieve or get closer to that goal?
I tried basically all products, i searched all over internet, and extenders didnt worked for me, i tried male hanger and i liked it at beginnning, but was impossible to go higher in weight, and finally i aquired my totalman kit this was 1 year and 8 months ago, and the game changed. The hanger from total man was amazing, way more secure and resisting. actually the one of malehanger damaged. i stick to hanging with the total man one, and i gained most of my lenght gains after the newbie gains that were mostly doing manuals. I arrrived to hang up to 8.5-9 kilograms. Currently I am just doing clamping with the totalman clamp. and has also being game changer in girth, now i am focused on girth. also the blue sleeves are a must for PE stuff.

4. What products did you purchase and what were your favorites if any?
I purchased the totalman kit, that brings everything, I loved and stick, to the compression hanger, the clamp, and the blue sleeves. Being honest i could not find my self with the vaccum extender, although I found it to be really cool, and i think other people have had great results with it.

5. How was Total Man as a brand and our products different from any others in the industry?
Total man hanger the white one, is i think the best hanger, it works perfectly, it is fast to accomodate, and it doesnt damage, as i mentioned before i used it for about a year and still is in perfect conditions. While the malehanger damaged after 2-3 months with not so much weight. And for the clamp, i also find it to be perfect is simply to use, very resistant, and works perfectly, in combination with the blue sleeves.

6. What was your experience like with Total Man from finding us to consuming our content and using our products?
The library of videos has been a great great help to understand everything of PE and related to sexual life, and penis. Also to give me the confidence on buying the kit and products. With the hanger i gain most of my lenght, and algo gainned good amount of base girth

7. What could you recommend to others in a similar situation to you with similar goals?
I would advice anyman to look into PE, to learn about it and start the work. during the process you learn alot about your penis, the reality of penis size, about sexuality, and u get rid of insecurities limitations, and bullshit from porn. And ofcourse get a new size penis! That will give you a big boost in confidence and live. If you are able to control in an extend the size of your penis with dedication, you can control all of your life.

Christoph - Austria

Size STATS - 8 Months Before After16,5 cm

Resting flaccid length



Resting flaccid girth (circumference)



Bone pressed erect length

15 cm

16.5 cm

Erect base girth (circumference)



Before & After Flaccid

Before & After Erect

Hardness & Stamina

Erection Quality BEFORE:Good but not as good I want.

Erection Quality AFTER:Harder and longer.


Stamina BEFORE: To fast cumming and my glans was too sensitive to have longer sex.

Stamina AFTER:I can do it more longer and my erecting penis is more harder.

1. What goal did you have prior to Total Man and how did not having your desired results affect you?
My goal was to get a longer flaccid penis and that was easy to reach with total man after you find your favorite tool.

2. How long has it taken you to achieve the above results?
It took not so long so results in the flaccid penis size (4 months), so that’s what motivates you to keep going.

3. How did Total Man as a brand including any products used help you to achieve or get closer to that goal?
The huge choices of products, you can chose the best option for you in any daily situation.

4. What products did you purchase and what were your favorites if any?
I got the total man ultimate package. My favorite is the leg band and the pulley system.

5. How was Total Man as a brand and our products different from any others in the industry?
I was trying other products but nothing was the right thing for me(phalo) but now I am happy with that.

6. What was your experience like with Total Man from finding us to consuming our content and using our products?
The library of videos has been a great great help to understand everything of PE and related to sexual life, and penis. Also to give me the confidence on buying the kit and products. With the hanger i gain most of my lenght, and algo gainned good amount of base girth

7. What could you recommend to others in a similar situation to you with similar goals?
Try it and take the time for reach your goal.


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