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NOT using these tools can hamper your gains- or even increase the risk of injury!

DISCLAIMER: Please make sure you review all product instructions before training!

For most forms of training, it's common and even necessary to use support tools to get the most out of your efforts and to maximize safety.
For weight training, chalk, gloves, straps, and a belt are typical. For swimming in a pool, goggles are great for protecting the eyes from the sting of chlorine.
There are also many different male enhancement training tools you can use to get better results and to train in more comfort.
Below are some of TOTAL MAN'S most popular and recommended training support tools:
3M MICROPORE TAPE:This is considered a NECESSITY for VACUUM CHAMBER use (as recommended in the following tutorial: Taping and Attaching the Vacuum Chamber - PART 1: PREPARATION). Training without this can cause ill-fitting while vacuum hanging. Blistering and other negative effects can be avoided by using the tape.
TPE THERABAND:This is a versatile tool which can be used in conjunction with VACUUM CHAMBER hanging, COMPRESSION PLATE work, ROD EXTENDER training, or with the PASSIVE HEALING SLEEVE. One, or two layers of Theraband at the most should suffice for most activities.
PULLEY SYSTEM:This device is a great way to improve the ease and comfort of hanging in the seated position with either the VACUUM CHAMBER or COMPRESSION HANGER in a seated position. The latest 2.0 model is even lighter and more user-friendly than the original!  
Please see the following tutorial for setting up this device:
How to fit the Pulley System to your table
PLATE HANGER: For use with the VACUUM HANGER or COMPRESSION HANGER, it can hold either standard or Olympic sized weight disks. This tool is very convenient for ensuring a comfortable session and for getting PRECISE weight measures for your training.
SPANDEX SLEEVES: This handy tool can be used for MANY different functions: Protection during VACUUM CHAMBER or COMPRESSION PLATE hanging, keeping your tape dry, keeping vacuum hanger valves clean, and for optimal fitting for vacuum hanging. It can also be used for ROD EXTENDER or LEG BAND work, and also as a PASSIVE HEALING SLEEVE.
The above are just some of the accessories you can and even should use to get the most out of your efforts.
For a full list of available accessories, please click the button below: 


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