Male Enhancement Injuries
Recommended procedures for dealing with injuries
⚠️ CAUTION: If you believe you have a serious injury, do not hesitate to seek medical attention! The following advice is not intended to cure any disease or serve as treatment for severe injuries.
Pinpoint-sized Red Spots
If you've performed intense exercises of any kind, you may have noticed tiny pinpoint spots on parts of your body. The technical term for these spots is "petechiae". During male enhancement training, petechiae can develop on the shaft and glans usually after girth-specific training or pumping.
The reason for this is forced blood flow. As long as the petechiae remain smaller than pinhead size and dissipate in less than 24 hours, they shouldn't cause worry. Light massage and compression can help to speed dissipation.
Bruising is another common occurrence among men training in male enhancement. This can develop from overly tight equipment or gripping and isn't something one should train through. In severe cases, a blood blister may develop. A sterile needle can be used to drain the blood but avoid tearing the blister itself!
Other instances can be caused by pumping or other activities where artificial pressure is induced. This may manifest itself as an even discoloration.
More vigorous massage and even topical Arnica or the supplement Ruscogenin (Butcher's Broom) can be used to help speed healing, but the recommended course of action is to avoid utilizing the method of training that caused it- at least until you've recovered.
Rashes are quite common, and they typically originate from a lack of lube or abrasion from a device. Not properly cleaning equipment (or one's body) may also lead to rashes.
Skin creams specific to rashes may be tried, but please be sure they're OK to use on sensitive skin- as the skin of the penis is extraordinarily sensitive!
Thrombosed Veins
While this injury isn't as common, it can be caused by overzealous pressure via pumping, jelqing, or stretching. In mild cases, it's a mere distension along a portion of the vessel. In severe cases, valves may be damaged.
Most reports of this malady claim the pain is relatively mild, though some have noted severe pain.
DIY treatment often involves applied heat and compresses, but if there is pain or discoloration, it’s important to seek medical attention.
Straining ligaments
Ligament strain is often noted in those who engage in heavier training usually of long duration (like hanging). Inadequate rest and a premature acceleration of time and/or weight can easily lead to strains.
Discomfort is usually felt at the base of the penis, though some men will also feel pain atop the shaft or even in their lower abdomen.
Targeted rest is vital, and heat and massage- as well as the use of anti-inflammatories- will also help to speed healing.
Peyronie's Disease
Peyronie's Disease is characterized by a plaque (hard spot) along the shaft of the penis usually accompanied by a bend. Medical professionals state that the cause of Peyronie's may be unclear- though serious injury to the tunica can lead to this.
Mild cases may be improved by the use of extenders- as noted in medical literature. More serious cases may require surgical excision of the plaque.
Broken Penis
A penile fracture typically occurs due to severe trauma during sexual intercourse, often when the penis misses the intended orifice. This injury results from a rupture of the tunica albuginea, leading to swelling, discoloration, and significant pain. Immediate medical attention is strongly recommended.
Discoloration other than bruising is usually the result of hemosiderin stains- which is when blood cells get deposited under the skin. The resultant discoloration is usually reddish in hue. Clamping and long-duration pumping can contribute to this.
More time spent warming down can help, but in lasting cases, a Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) application should be tested.
Many of the aforementioned issues can be avoided by carefully managing your training and gradually increasing time and/or intensity.
Making the mistake of forcing discomfort is usually a good way to hurt yourself, so when in doubt: err on the side of caution!